Monday, March 26, 2007

A Sample GWT Application: The Dashboard

While Adam and I were writing GWT in Action, we generated a lot of mini-applications that were used as examples throughout the book. At some point it was decided that we wanted to tie all of the apps together, forming one large mega-app, that would add some continuity throughout the book. We call it the "Dashboard", and we hope it will be a useful concept to everyone that reads the book.

Manning has been nice enough to allow us to host the sample application on their site, giving you a sort of interactive preview to what you can expect in the book.

Some of the Dashboard components include color picker, clock, Google search, video search, calculator, slideshow, server status, and others. Some concepts include JSON proxy to the Yahoo Search API, creating Flash-based components, populating menus from external XML, drag-and-drop, trapping image load errors, and others.

Some of the source for the Dashboard application has already trickled onto the GWT in Action book page and sometime soon the entire application will be available for download. We hope that you find both the sample application and source code useful.